Autumn - A winged female crash-lands into a garden unable to take-off in the raging storm. Her face is etched with pain. A representation of a beautiful warm summer 'blown-away' by the cold winds of Autumn.
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Cambodian Honeymoon - The artist lies dying, stabbed through the chest by a feather from a winged angel in a wedding dress. A reflection of the break-up of the artist's marriage, and one of his first digital images created while he was living in a warehouse in a very dark period of his life.
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Beauty & Beast - Amelie is a very uninhibited model. She comes from a farmland home and family and was not repulsed by my favourite African land snail. I thought a picture showing a kind of intimacy between them would prove interesting.
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A Death In Venice - St. Marks Square, Venice. We went there and the place holds a classic, somewhat sad, beauty. Two angels, one mortally wounded, descend to the square as one comforts the dying one. A symbolism of past eras lost in time.
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Amelie - One of the nicest models I have had the honour to work with, a beautiful face and body and warm inside. She was one of the last of my shoots as I turned my attention to making films. If ever she sees this... Amelie, I would love to photograph you again. Get in touch.
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Alex - A model in late years of life who has retained a beautiful physique and is proud to show it. She took part in my Immortal Project, another enterprise. Please see that card set and book.
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After The Flood - Inspired by one of the past extinction events which wiped out 95 % of all living species, this image depicts that dragons survived the calamity (the birds did), and wish to befriend the new species - Hom0 Sapiens.
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Where Butterflies come from - Here is a beautiful young model with her model name aptly known as 'Ivory Flame'. Her pre-raphaelite look inspired a set of images and I photographed her in our garden in Oxfordshire. Butterflies are born on the breath of beautiful females.
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Evolution - A polish model acted out her part in this one which depicts a tragic-comic idea that machine-lie people, who replace us in the coming future, do not all believe in the theory of Evolution, until of course, a garden mole evolves and does this! The original image took many, many hours of pains-taking work to create.
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Forget Me Knot - Allison was a fantastic model I worked with her quite a few times. She was double-jointed all over due to a rotten genetic illness which later in life will create many issues for her. Bright and intelligent and a trained scientist, she modelled for a short time when money was a bit tight for her but she has since returned to her chosen career. Which legs and arms are the real ones?
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First Flight - this model was part of my Immortal project. Something about her encouraged me to depict her as a fairy and maybe training other fledgling fairies to fly.
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Gracing The Seed - On a similar premise above, here is Ivory Flame installing the magic into a new born fairy. Her breath holds the sweet magic which the new 'seedling' fairy inhales.
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Franka - A model from Transylvania (I kid you not) who I worked with a number of times and actually starred her in one of my short films, Non-Compliance. I thought I would shoot a natural one of her here looking at herself in a mirror.
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Headless Doll - I did a series of images where the central theme was dolls, half-human, half doll-like. There is something about depicting dolls as being too real. And images of broken ones invoke a human feeling of utter sadness. This is one of the first few I did in 2001. The model here is Shula.
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Gattaca - Genetic engineering is going to change the future of humanity beyond anything we can imagine. This one shows a new born human breaking out of an egg, a kind of loose interpretation of test tube babies.
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Passion Of The Cross - I worked with this model (Grace, a university student) a number of times. She has a very striking look. Here she is depicted as a nun-like figure holding a crucifix, and blood seeping from beneath her frock. A suggestion of ill practice with the crucifix and an overtone of sexual misadventure caused by inhuman abstinence from sexual acts.
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Pre-Raphaelite - Ivory Flame being very pre-raphaelite. I must confess this short period in classic art history produced images from great artists which I am very fond of. Lovely to be able to emulate them slightly today.
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Ivory Flame - Here I wanted to embody the model (same name as the image) as an immortal. I reshaped her body slightly here and she was a bit unhappy about that. To me, I am creating images and not just photographing models. They provide much respected source material, but the images are not actually about them. I explained this to her. This is one of my favourite 3D images.
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The Offering - In the past, we hear human sacrifices were made to keep harm away from the masses. Everything has to eat to remain alive. Odd, we only hear of females being sacrificed and it became ionised throughout history. It stands today as a falsehood driven by mad men looking for power through superstition over a tribe. I thought to do a quickie and embody the same as we move through ever more fiction of dragons and magical pasts. Works well in 3D though!
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Cold Winged Grief - Sometimes a theme hangs on in one's mind. One day, a model I knew who was going through a tough time suffering from a cancer-related illness came to my studio (in wallingon, South of London) with her friend. Something about them, their friendship maybe, made me create this image based on my earlier image of 'A Death In Venice'. It just seemed to
me to be pertinent.
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Vampfest - This model, beautiful, had extraordinary presence. Tall, well sculptured, intelligent, and bent on a career to earn money with her intelligence. But at heart, she had a completely different soul. That of a wild child having to fit into a world too ordered, too clinical, if one wanted to live a comfortable life. So, I thought I would let her loose and enable her spirit to break free.
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Ride Of The Valkyres - An immortal theme. Gods and goddesses fly over battle fields collecting the brave fallen warriors to take them to 'heaven'. A celebrated theme in music, art, and literature, so I had to give it a stab and put a modern interpretation on it.
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Broken Doll - Another early one of my Broken Dolls series made in 2001. The model here, again, is Shula.
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Dancer At The Edge Of Time - The elegant pose of this model suggested something Athenian to me. A Greek goddess maybe, at the edge of time and space away from, the world of us mortals.
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Where Angels Fear To Tread - I had the model jump off a table to arrange this image of a dark angel descending inside a cathedral-like building. I love the unusual wings in this one.
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Bringer Of Autumn - This one was created as part of my Immortal Project. I have a fascination with Autumn. To me, watching the summer fade away is like watching the life ebb from a beloved human being. So very profoundly sad.
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Inactive - I return again and again to the theme of cyborgs, androids and human like machines. I am certain we will make ourselves extinct by creating them and Artificial Intelligence. A huge mistake, I believe. In this one Amelie has been switched off and sits frozen, life-like, beautiful!
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The Perfect Artist's Model - This model had a near perfect shape. I resculptured her curves to create a near perfect form. I had a framed print of this one in a local high street gallery and it was purchased almost immediately after it went on display.
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Ben & Amelie: The Kiss - Amelie got on well with Ben, my long-living African land snail. I love the idea that we are all conscious beings on another plane who get ensnared by biology here in this reality, but we don't realise it. Love can exit across the species divide and Ben certainly looks like he wants to give Amelie a kiss.
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Pandora - We have this beautiful wooden chest, very old, originally from India (or China, maybe). It is a family heirloom. Its surface is decorated with a wonderful and complex array of figures and animals all carved into the wood. An air of mystery surrounds it, so here I have Ivory Flame taking a quick peek inside.
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Ben Strikes Gold - You need a good sense of humour to survive life. I have one. To me, even a tragedy in many ways is funny too. We all take ourselves so seriously but we are nothing but tiny ants clutching a speck of a dust in a reality so vast it's impossible to grasp the idea fully. I was born in 1950 and my cultural take was fashioned by my era: men were men, girls were girls, and humour was often what people would see as offensive today (sexist, racist, inappropriate etc). We each belong to an era, I suppose. Anyway, I exaggerated one of Ben's eyes here, like eyes popping out of their sockets at the sight of something astounding - in this case, Amelie's nipple.

Reaching For The Past- The idea behind this image is about the transition of natural human forms into either genetically modified ones or technological aided ones. Where people before the 21st century were happy with their biological forms (animalistic), and where the transition brings to future generations a hunger to be what they were before. They bay for the past, but it is unreachable.
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